Welcome to Material Transformations!

This is a website designed to virtually exhibit the conservation efforts of Interns at the University of Maryland Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture.

The two projects presented here are an axe head from the Northern European Bronze Age and a Caeretan Hydria dated to approximately 500-530 BCE. The two objects were documented with the purpose of conserving, replicating, and 3D modeling.

The Caeretan Hydria was documented through photogrammetry to create 3D models of both the fragmented pieces and the reassembled vessel.

The axe head was documented through photogrammetry to create a 3D model and a PLA 3D print. The PLA 3D print was used to create a mold for a lost wax bronze casting.

The 3D models were produced through Agisoft Metashape (a program for building 3D models), Helicon Remote (a program that remotely operates cameras), and Photoshop (used to mask and color correct images).


The creation of the 3D models and the creation of this webpage were completed by Fall 2023 interns of the Michele Smith Collaboratory: Jun Lee, Lylah Messinger, and Amy Christopherson.

The work done on this project was supervised by Dr. Quint Gregory and Dr. Chris Cloke, director and associate director of the Collaboratory.